Alkaline Lamb and Potatoes with Tomato Sauce

Are Tomatoes Acidic or Alkaline?

Many people ask “are tomatoes acidic or alkaline?” Now we know from the Tomatoes Food Category PRAL List that tomatoes in themselves are an alkaline-forming food. But we usually eat tomatoes in combination with other foods. So many of my food category lists contain tomato PRAL values.

Here, I combine all tomato-related foods in one big list.

Complete Tomato PRAL List

As the complete tomato PRAL list is big, I’ve put it on a separate page…

Complete Tomato PRAL List
Click for Complete Tomato PRAL List details

On that list, as well as plain tomatoes, you will find PRAL values for tomato sauces and tomato-based meals. So the tomato products PRAL values will answer your question, “is tomato sauce acidic or alkaline?”

Are Tomatoes Acidic?

There is only one acid-forming type of tomato in the Tomatoes Food Category PRAL List. But that’s a reference to fried tomatoes where we don’t know how the tomato is prepared. Or what it’s fried with. Where descriptions are clearer, we see that tomato-related foods are only acidic where the tomato is not the main ingredient. Especially meat and fish dishes made with a tomato-based sauce.

So the answer to “are tomatoes acidic?” is “only when eaten with meat, fish, or other acid-forming ingredients”.

Are Tomatoes Alkaline?

On the other hand, where tomatoes are the main ingredient, most foods are alkaline-forming. So the answer to “are tomatoes alkaline?” is “yes”.

Even with some meat dishes, the alkalinity of tomatoes helps to create an alkalizing meal. Hence, my choice of dish to illustrate that tomatoes are alkaline…

Alkaline Lamb and Potatoes with Tomato Sauce
Alkaline Lamb and Potatoes with Tomato Sauce (click for details)

Are Your Tomatoes Acidic or Alkaline?

Remember, factors such as growing conditions, variety, and preparation methods affect all food nutrients. USDA database values are an average of many samples. So your PRAL values for tomato-based meals will vary from day to day. But they are always an estimate of actual acid load on your kidneys. Which I explain more in the notes about PRAL principles on the category list page.

Leave Are Tomatoes Acidic or Alkaline to browse the Complete PRAL Food Category List.

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