{"id":362,"date":"2020-08-02T10:51:50","date_gmt":"2020-08-02T10:51:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/alkascore.com\/?p=362"},"modified":"2020-11-28T12:52:11","modified_gmt":"2020-11-28T12:52:11","slug":"acid-alkaline-biscuits-muffins-quick-breads-pral-list","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/alkascore.com\/acid-alkaline-biscuits-muffins-quick-breads-pral-list\/","title":{"rendered":"Acid-Alkaline Biscuits, Muffins, Quick Breads PRAL List"},"content":{"rendered":"

Grain flour makes most biscuits, muffins, and quick breads acid-forming. But there are exceptions. Using shredded tubers to make quick breads is one way. Or select alkalizing fillings and toppings.<\/p>\n

Before you use this PRAL Biscuits, Muffins, Quick Breads List, you must understand and agree to PRAL Food Lists Principles<\/a><\/p>\n


Acid-Alkaline Biscuits, Muffins, Quick Breads List<\/h2>\n

I list breads with the lowest PRAL score first. Because these have the lowest acid load. So the most alkalizing snacks show first. But you can click the food table headings to change sort order.

Main food description <\/th>Energy (kcal per 100 g) <\/th>PRAL ( 100 g ) <\/th>PRAL ( 100 calories ) <\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Biscuit, baking powder or buttermilk type, NS as to made from mix, refrigerated dough, or home recipe <\/td>338 <\/td>13.17 <\/td>3.90 <\/td><\/tr>
Biscuit dough, fried <\/td>350 <\/td>13.69 <\/td>3.91 <\/td><\/tr>
Crumpet <\/td>193 <\/td>3.82 <\/td>1.98 <\/td><\/tr>
Crumpet, toasted <\/td>217 <\/td>4.31 <\/td>1.99 <\/td><\/tr>
Biscuit, baking powder or buttermilk type, made from mix <\/td>324 <\/td>13.50 <\/td>4.17 <\/td><\/tr>
Biscuit, baking powder or buttermilk type, made from refrigerated dough, lowfat <\/td>319 <\/td>16.45 <\/td>5.16 <\/td><\/tr>
Biscuit, baking powder or buttermilk type, made from refrigerated dough <\/td>324 <\/td>15.82 <\/td>4.88 <\/td><\/tr>
Biscuit, baking powder or buttermilk type, commercially baked <\/td>370 <\/td>16.96 <\/td>4.58 <\/td><\/tr>
Biscuit, baking powder or buttermilk type, made from home recipe <\/td>354 <\/td>3.49 <\/td>0.99 <\/td><\/tr>
Biscuit, whole wheat <\/td>312 <\/td>5.00 <\/td>1.60 <\/td><\/tr>
Biscuit, cheese <\/td>346 <\/td>13.56 <\/td>3.92 <\/td><\/tr>
Biscuit, cinnamon-raisin <\/td>345 <\/td>1.24 <\/td>0.36 <\/td><\/tr>
Scone <\/td>353 <\/td>5.70 <\/td>1.61 <\/td><\/tr>
Scone, with fruit <\/td>352 <\/td>3.85 <\/td>1.09 <\/td><\/tr>
Cornbread, prepared from mix <\/td>330 <\/td>12.71 <\/td>3.85 <\/td><\/tr>
Cornbread, made from home recipe <\/td>283 <\/td>3.08 <\/td>1.09 <\/td><\/tr>
Cornbread muffin, stick, round <\/td>305 <\/td>10.16 <\/td>3.33 <\/td><\/tr>
Cornbread muffin, stick, round, made from home recipe <\/td>303 <\/td>3.29 <\/td>1.09 <\/td><\/tr>
Corn flour patty or tart, fried <\/td>216 <\/td>1.36 <\/td>0.63 <\/td><\/tr>
Corn pone, baked <\/td>214 <\/td>1.64 <\/td>0.77 <\/td><\/tr>
Corn pone, fried <\/td>254 <\/td>1.55 <\/td>0.61 <\/td><\/tr>
Hush puppy <\/td>296 <\/td>10.47 <\/td>3.54 <\/td><\/tr>
Johnnycake <\/td>275 <\/td>3.01 <\/td>1.09 <\/td><\/tr>
Spoonbread <\/td>164 <\/td>2.54 <\/td>1.55 <\/td><\/tr>
Arepa Dominicana <\/td>267 <\/td>1.61 <\/td>0.60 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, NFS <\/td>375 <\/td>4.23 <\/td>1.13 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, fruit <\/td>375 <\/td>4.23 <\/td>1.13 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, fruit, low fat <\/td>255 <\/td>3.97 <\/td>1.56 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, chocolate chip <\/td>397 <\/td>1.35 <\/td>0.34 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, chocolate <\/td>390 <\/td>1.93 <\/td>0.49 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, whole wheat <\/td>355 <\/td>4.12 <\/td>1.16 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, wheat <\/td>360 <\/td>3.65 <\/td>1.01 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, whole grain <\/td>360 <\/td>3.65 <\/td>1.01 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, wheat bran <\/td>215 <\/td>-1.62 <\/td>-0.75 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, bran with fruit, lowfat <\/td>176 <\/td>0.51 <\/td>0.29 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, oatmeal <\/td>362 <\/td>3.66 <\/td>1.01 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, oat bran <\/td>270 <\/td>1.79 <\/td>0.66 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, plain <\/td>368 <\/td>2.45 <\/td>0.67 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, cheese <\/td>360 <\/td>5.72 <\/td>1.59 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, pumpkin <\/td>300 <\/td>1.14 <\/td>0.38 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, zucchini <\/td>300 <\/td>1.03 <\/td>0.34 <\/td><\/tr>
Muffin, carrot <\/td>307 <\/td>0.72 <\/td>0.23 <\/td><\/tr>
Popover <\/td>265 <\/td>5.69 <\/td>2.15 <\/td><\/tr>
Bread, Boston Brown <\/td>274 <\/td>4.35 <\/td>1.59 <\/td><\/tr>
Bread, nut <\/td>392 <\/td>2.70 <\/td>0.69 <\/td><\/tr>
Bread, pumpkin <\/td>300 <\/td>1.14 <\/td>0.38 <\/td><\/tr>
Bread, fruit <\/td>362 <\/td>1.69 <\/td>0.47 <\/td><\/tr>
Bread, zucchini <\/td>300 <\/td>1.03 <\/td>0.34 <\/td><\/tr>
Bread, Irish soda <\/td>297 <\/td>0.30 <\/td>0.10 <\/td><\/tr>
Dumpling, plain <\/td>124 <\/td>1.54 <\/td>1.24 <\/td><\/tr>
Cornmeal dumpling <\/td>167 <\/td>2.93 <\/td>1.75 <\/td><\/tr>
Cornmeal fritter, Puerto Rican style <\/td>266 <\/td>4.14 <\/td>1.56 <\/td><\/tr>
Cornmeal stick, Puerto Rican style <\/td>410 <\/td>3.77 <\/td>0.92 <\/td><\/tr>
Casabe, cassava bread <\/td>299 <\/td>-8.93 <\/td>-2.99 <\/td><\/tr>
Yam buns; Puerto Rican style <\/td>302 <\/td>-8.75 <\/td>-2.90 <\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/div>
Alkaline Casabe Cassava Bread (click for details)<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>
\nFor the biscuits, muffins, and quick breads food category, the average PRAL values are 4.29 per 100 g and 1.38 per 100 calories.<\/p>\n

Leave Acid-Alkaline Biscuits, Muffins, Quick Breads PRAL List to browse more PRAL Food Lists<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Acid-Alkaline Biscuits, Muffins, Quick Breads PRAL List Related Topics<\/h2>\n

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Common Terms: bread<\/a>, carrot<\/a>, grain<\/a>, oatmeal<\/a><\/p>

Other posts that include these terms:<\/h3>