Purpose of ALKAscore

The purpose of ALKAscore is to explore diet scoring systems and food nutrition indices. With a view to developing a simplified system that people can easily customize for rating their eating patterns.

Statement of Purpose for ALKAscore

I’m developing ALKAscore to make it easier to assess baseline diet scores. Then it should provide simple ways to identify priorities for improvement. Also, easy-to-use monitoring and assessment to help you reach your nutrition goals.

So I don’t have a Purpose Statement at the moment. But I encourage you to leave feedback on every page. Then I can make sure ALKAscore is serving your goals.

Your Purpose for ALKAscore

Help me develop ALKAscore in ways that helps you. Tell me about how you grade your existing diet. Then tell me how you use food lists to improve your diet score. Finally, tell me what difficulties you experience with diet scores and food lists.
What other aspects of your wellbeing should ALKAscore cover?

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