Alkaline Tomato Vegetable Spaghetti Sauce

Acid-Alkaline Tomato-based Pasta Sauces PRAL List

We know tomatoes are alkaline. So it stands to reason that tomato-based sauces are also alkaline-forming. Maybe it isn’t so obvious how much variety there is in pre-prepared pasta sauces. So choose the flavor that suits your PRAL alkalinity target.

Before you use this PRAL Tomato-based Pasta Sauces List, you must understand and agree to PRAL Food Lists Principles

Acid-Alkaline Tomato-based Pasta Sauces List

I list sauces with the lowest PRAL index first. Because these have the highest alkaline load. So the most alkalizing sauce shows first. But you can click the food table headings to change sort order.

For the tomato-based sauce category, the average PRAL values are -3.45 per 100 grams and -6.50 per 100 calories. To put this in context, compare with other condiments and sauces in the Food Category List.

Alkaline Tomato Vegetable Spaghetti Sauce
Alkaline Tomato Vegetable Spaghetti Sauce (click for details)

Your Alkaline Tomato-based Pasta Sauces

Remember, factors such as growing conditions, variety, and preparation methods affect all food nutrients. USDA database values are an average of many samples. So your PRAL values for sauces will vary from day to day. But they are always an estimate of actual acid load on your kidneys. Which I explain more in the notes about PRAL principles on the category list page.

Leave Acid-Alkaline Tomato-based Pasta Sauces PRAL List to browse the Complete PRAL Food Category List.

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